Fall control is a vital component for patient safety goal for both hospitals and long term care
facilities. Fall post internal fixation surgeries can result in negative outcomes among patients and
healthcare providers. Aim: the aim of this study is to assess safety nursing practices for fall control
for patients post internal fixation surgeries of the lower limb. Study design: a descriptive research
design. Subject: all available nurses (80 nurses) involved in providing direct care for patients post
internal fixation surgery at El-Hadara Orthopedic and Traumatology University Hospital and
Damanhur National Medical Institute Hospital. Tool: safety nursing practices for fall control for
patients post internal fixation surgeries of the lower limb: observational checklist. Results: this
study showed that 90% of nurses had unsatisfactory level of practice regarding fall control post
internal fixation surgeries. Moreover, it reveals that there is a positive statistical significant
relationship between the safe nurses' practices and their level of education. Conclusion: this study
concluded that the majority of nurses had unsatisfactory practices regarding environmental safety,
safe use of mobility aids for walking and safe exercises. Recommendation: In-service education
program for nurses about fall control and update procedure manual to be available in each
orthopedic unit.
Safety nursing practices, Fall control, Internal fixation surgeries, lower limb
Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University
-Last Name
Mohamed Kamel ELAbasi
Professor of orthopedic and traumatology Orthopedic and Traumatology Department Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University
Nursing Instructor Medical Surgical Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhur University
Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University
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Publication Title
Egyptian Journal of Health Care
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Safety Nursing Practices for Fall Control for Patients Post Internal Fixation Surgeries of the Lower Limb