Background Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a potentially life threatening
complication of treatment with ovulation induction medications. Aim of the study was to
assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on staff nurses knowledge and
preventive measures regarding Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. Research design: A
quasi-experimental research design with pre/posttests and follow up was used. Setting: the
present study was carried out at Gynecology ward and Laparoscopic unite at Zagazig
University hospitals. Sampling and Subject: a purposive sample of 50 nurses was recruited
for this study. Tools of data collection: Tool I: a structured interview sheet. Tool II:
Observational checklist for nurses regarding preventive measures of OHSS. Results; A
statistically significant improvements was observed in total level of knowledge score after
program implantation compared to its level before intervention, where 90.0 % of the studied
nurses had poor knowledge in pretest which declined to 14.0% and 18.0% at immediately
post and after one month of interventions respectively. Also statistically significant
improvement was revealed in total score of good practice (88.0%) in favor of the post-test
compared to (10.0%) in pretest and (78.0%) in follow up phase. Conclusion:
Implementation of the structured teaching program was effective in increasing the
knowledge level and utilization of preventive measures regarding OHSS. Recommendations:
Implementation of structured teaching program with a learning booklet for nurses on other
health center for IVF should be conducted in order to increase their level of knowledge and
practice regarding Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.
structured teaching program, Staff nurses, Knowledge, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Last Name
Elsayed Mahmoud Radwan
Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagzaig University.
-Last Name
Mohammed Attia Ahmed
Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagzaig University.
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Publication Title
Egyptian Journal of Health Care
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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Staff Nurses Knowledge and Preventive Measures Regarding Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome