Background: Solid waste collection is a dangerous job that exposes the waste
collectors to different occupational health hazards and certain occupation related morbidities.
Aim: This study aimed to examine the relationship between exposure to occupational health
hazards and the use of safety protective measures among municipal solid waste collectors.
Methods: Correlational descriptive study design was used Sample: A convenient sample of
140 municipal solid waste collectors were included. Settings: The study was carried out at
Local Council of 10 villages followed Birket Elsaba district, Menoufia Governorate, Egypt.
Tool: An interviewing questionnaire was used which included five parts: (1) Demographic
data. (2) Work related factors. (3) Current health problems. (4) Safety protective measures.
(5) Knowledge of the municipal solid waste collectors about occupational health hazards in
the work place. Results: The study reported that two thirds of the municipal solid waste
collectors were exposed to physical hazards, 63.6% of them were exposed to psychological
hazards. 55% were exposed to chemical hazards, 59.3% were exposed to ergonomic hazards
while who were exposed to biological and accidental hazards were 60% and 59.3%
respectively. Also, It reported that 42.9% of the sample used safety boots, 24.3% of them
used gloves. Moreover, 7.1% of the sample used head covers and as same used special
uniform. In addition, none of the them used goggles and mask while 18.6% of the them not
used any personal protective equipment. Also, it reported that more than three quarters of the
study sample washed their hands before eating while 7.1% of the sample change clothes
before and after the shifts. So, the present study indicated that there were statistical
significance difference between exposure of the study group to occupational health hazards
as (physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, psychological and accidental) hazards and the
use of safety protective measures. Conclusions: This study concluded that there were
statistical significance difference between exposure of the study group to different
occupational health hazards and the use of safety protective measures (p < 0.05).
Recommendations: Periodic health education and awareness programs are needed to
increase knowledge of municipal solid waste collectors on different occupational health
hazards, ergonomic principles and importance of using safety protective measures in the
work place.