Background: Epilepsy is one ofthe most common and widespread neurological disorders
and affects people of all ages, races, social classes, and geographical locations. Aim: this study
aimed to assessthe application of multiple services educational package program for patient with
epilepsy in outpatient clinic, Cairo city, Egypt. Research design: A quasi-experimental design
was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at neurology (epileptic) Out-Patient
Clinic affiliated to Ain shams Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt. Subjects: A convenient group that
included (200) patients with epilepsy. Tools: A Structured interview Questionnaire tool that
cover six parts. Part I: demographic characteristic, part II: patients clinical data, part III: patients
knowledge, part IV attitude, part V brief coping and part VI stress management (pre and post).
Results: Thisstudy showed statistically significant improvement in patient's knowledge, attitude,
brief coping and stress management (21.47± 4.11 to 32.37±7.15) (22.19± 4.89 to 32.05 ± 5.27)
(47.24±4.36 to 78.35±7.22) (28.75±.43 to 13.27 ±.83), respectively post program
implementation. Conclusion: The currentstudy revealed that the importance of multiple services
educational package program for patient with epilepsy to improve their knowledge, coping skills,
attitude, and stress management. Recommendation: Continuity of multiple services and
educational program for patient with epilepsy in different health care setting.