Background: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused significant mortality, so
implementation of universal safety measures and prevention in all countries led to an improvement
in social and economic aspects, and long-term health outcomes for many communities. The study
aimed to assess the implementation of safety measures and prevention to reduce the spread of
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Egypt. Methods: Descriptive design was used; a self
administered questionnaire was distributed among adult Egyptians at the various governorates“the
Great Cairo, Al-Dakahlia, and Assuit" through social media. Sample: 400 adult respondents
who completed the questionnaire were enrolled in the study pertaining to inclusive criteria.
Tools: Structured questionnaire included the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents
and knowledge assessment sheet about coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and a self
administered structured questionnaire about the safety measures and prevention. Results: The mean
age of the respondents was 26.265+10.868; 27.5% of the respondents were living in Cairo and 25%
in Giza, respectively; 30% of the respondents had a satisfactory level of knowledge about COVID-
19 with social media as their source of information, and 98% of them had a satisfactory level of
knowledge about the spread of new Coronavirus disease. The respondents were highly positive
about hand washing, wearing medical masks, and home quarantine as safety measures and
prevention. Conclusion: The majority of respondents possessed a satisfactory level of knowledge
about COVID-19, ways through which the virus spreads, and implementation of the safety measures
and prevention to reduce the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Egypt.
Recommendations: It is recommended that the study be applied to a larger population, especially
with the arrival of the second wave of the virus, and also health awareness be increased about
COVID-19 by WHO based in Egypt with the help of multi-social media like twitter or periodical
SMS with health instructions from Egyptian Ministry of Health to the population.