Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreaks and lockdown measures have a negative
psychological impact on Egyptian mothers. Back to school planning will look different for mothers
this year than it has in previous years that cause an increase of mothers' stress and anxiety about
their children. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of instructional guideline on mothers'
emotional status regarding children returning to school during the COVID -19. Subjects and
method: A quasi-experimental research design was used on a convenience sample of 330 mothers
residing at Sohag Governorate, Egypt, having children at the primary education level. Two tools
were utilized to collect the data in this study: A self-administered questionnaire (pre and posttest
format) to assess mothers' knowledge about COVID - 19, and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale
(DASS) to measure the mothers' emotional status symptoms. The link of the survey using the
questionnaire, the scale and the instructional guideline were sent to the respondents' mothers via
Face book and Whats App groups. Results: The present study revealed that, there were highly
statistical significant differences between mothers' knowledge about COVID-19 and their
depression, anxiety and stress levels regarding children returning to school at the COVID-
19pandemic outbreaks before and after implementation of the instructional guideline. Also,
Mothers' emotional status (stress, depression and anxiety levels) were severe before implementation
of the guideline while, these levels were low after guideline implementation. Conclusion: The
instructional guidelines were effective in decreasing mothers' emotional disturbance as depression,
anxiety and stress regarding children returning to school during COVID-19 pandemic outbreaks
and improving their knowledge about COVID-19 before and after implementation of the
instructional guideline. Recommendations: Educational programs about COVID -19 and its
preventive measures should be taught to all mothers and psychological support and intervention
activities should be carried out to help them to cope and become more resilient during the COVID-
19 epidemic.