Background: The huge multiplicity of scrub and circulator nurses'activities affects the
quality performance of perioperative nursing roles. Therefore, the pursuit of perfect practice
of perioperative nursing roles should focus on assessing the performance gaps in these roles
and use of lean management strategies for effective patient care delivery. Aim: The study
aimed to assess the effect of lean management strategies on the quality of perioperative nursing
roles. Design and Setting: A quasi experimental design was used to implement the study in
the operating room at new Dar Al Fouad Hospital, Cairo, Egypt. Tool of Data Collection:
Observational checklist tool aimed to assess the perioperative nursing roles of scrub and
circulator nurses, the tool consisted of two main parts; first part is the performance observation
of scrub nurse role, and the second part is the performance observation of circulator nurse role.
Results: The results of the present study illustrated that the perioperative nursing roles for
scrub nurses of met standards performance were improved from above half normal to above
three quarter, and the met standards performance of the circulator nurses roles were also
improved from less than one fifth to near three fifth with statistical significance difference at
p < 0.005for both roles post implementation of the lean management strategies. Conclusion:
The perioperative nursing roles of scrub and circulator nurses were improved post
implementation of lean management strategies which induced positive effect in the elimination
of un-value added activities and volume based activities through designing new supportive
roles included anesthesia nurse, post anesthesia care unit nurse, surgical technologist,
instrumentation technician, nurse aids, store keeper in addition to other relevant roles such as
lean team. Recommendation: Focused training program is recommended for all OR personnel
with periodic evaluations of the perioperative nursing roles and the new supportive
perioperative roles. Further research is recommended to disseminate the developed lean
management strategies and investigate its effect on the perioperative nursing in different