Context: Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy is a major health problem and one of the leading
causes responsible for maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Aim & study design: Quasi-
experimental study design was conducted aiming to evaluate the effect of a Smartphone-based
health behavioral intervention on pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia. Setting: The study
was conducted at Antenatal Outpatient clinic at Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. Tools:
Three Tools were used for data collection I) a structured interviewing questionnaire, II) maternal
knowledge assessment Questionnaire) self-reported practices checklists. Result: There was a
statistically significant difference regarding pregnant women's all aspects of knowledge and practice
about iron deficiency anemia and the total mean score of hemoglobin level pre-intervention
compared to post intervention(p<0.001), and there was a highly statistical significance correlation
between pregnant women's' total score of practices and total score of knowledge at pre-intervention,
and post -intervention (p<0.001). Conclusion: implementation of a smartphone-based health
behavioral intervention has a positive effect on the enhancing of pregnant women' knowledge and
practices regarding iron deficiency anemia at postintervention compared to preintervention,
Additionally, there was a statistically significant improvement in the hemoglobin level at post
intervention compared to pre intervention. Recommendations: Applying a Smartphone-based
health behavioral intervention in different settings of Maternity health care. Further research is
needed to evaluate the effect of a smartphone-based health behavioral intervention regarding iron
deficiency anemia on maternal and fetal outcomes.