Background: Unplanned conception resulting in a live delivery can have serious health,
psychosocial, and economic consequences; and increases the likelihood of bonding failure and
postpartum depression. Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of pregnancy intention on antenatal
care service utilization, postpartum infant bonding, and postpartum depression. Design: A cross-
sectional, analytical study design was utilized on 213 women who were attending breast feeding clinic,
and outpatient clinic in Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital - It is affiliated to Ain Shams University
Hospitals. Tools of data collection: The data was collected using 1) Mother's interviewing
questionnaire that included a) Mother's demographic characteristics, and b) obstetric history; 2)
London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy; 3) Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire; and 4) Edinburg
postnatal depression scale. Results: data analysis revealed that, (72.8%) of the studied women had
unintended pregnancy as (32.4%) of them had unplanned pregnancy, and (40.4%) of them had
ambivalent pregnancy, while (27.2%) of them had
planned pregnancy. Also (59.2%) of the studied
women had postpartum depressive symptoms (EPD
Score ≥13). Also, (61.9%) of the studied women
had postpartum infant bonding disorder. There was a highly statistically significant relation between
pregnancy intention and antenatal care service utilization, also there were statistically significant
moderate negative correlations between pregnancy intention, and postpartum depression and two
domains of postpartum infant bonding which are infant focused anxiety domain and rejection and
pathologic anger domain. Conclusion: This study concluded that, women with unintended pregnancy
experienced lack of antenatal care service utilization, postpartum depression, infant focused anxiety,
and pathologic anger compared to women with intended pregnancy. Recommendation: 1. Prevention
of unintended pregnancy through increasing women awareness regarding family planning camps
affiliated to ministry of health and population. 2. Establishing psychosocial counseling clinic to offer
psychological support services for couples who are at risk for psychological problems.