Background: Iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) presents a significant burden in infancy
and childhood. Also in infancy and early childhood is causally associated with growth and
developmental delay. Aim: Assess iron deficiency anemia among children during weaning.
Study design: A descriptive analytical study was utilized in study. Setting: the study
conducted at three maternal and child health centers in Shoubra El Khemia (Begam MCH,
Osman MCH, Nopar MCH). Sampling: 500 mother and their children were selected
randomly from maternal and child health centers .Tools: First tool; an interviewing
questionnaire to assess. demographic data, mothers' knowledge, mothers' practice risk
factors of iron deficiency anemia during weaning among children .and health needs among
children with iron deficiency anemia during weaning. Second tool; Medical follow up record
to assess health status of the children with iron deficiency anemia. Third tool; Assessment of
children according to Denver Developmental Screening Test (Denver scale). Results: there
were more four fifth of the studied mothers had unsatisfactory knowledge about iron
deficiency anemia during weaning among their children, and had inadequate practices toward
prevention, above half of children suffered from diarrheal disease. and had respiratory tract
infection. Also more than three fifth of them had poor level of health needs achievement.
Conclusion: There was a highly statistical significant relation between mothers' knowledge
and practices about iron deficiency anemia during weaning. Also, there was statistically
significant relation between mothers' practices and their socio-demographic characteristics as
mothers' age and educational level. Recommendations: Further research studies are needed
for ongoing assessment of children including large sample for generalization of results.