Background: The postpartum period is the period when women adjust physically and
psychologically after the delivery of the baby. It is the period after the end of labor during which
special attention of a community health nurse is required on the women's and the baby's health.
Research Design: a quasi-experimental design was used. The aim of this study was to Assess
postpartum women's knowledge and practice related to self-care in rural area. Setting: This study
was conducted at family medicine centers affiliated to shesht El- Enaam health unit at El-Behara
Governorate and postpartum women's homes. Sampling: purposive sample of 67postpartum
women were included, Primipara and multipara postnatal mothers, during first two weeks from
postpartum period, women who delivered normally or by cesarean section and women free from any
medical or gynecological disease or disability and their babies free from anomalies. Tools: for data
collection three tools were used,1
tool: an interviewing questionnaire for the postpartum women
includes five parts; Part one: socio-demographic characteristics, Part two: obstetric history, Part
three: Postpartum woman's cultures and beliefs about postpartum period, Part four: Postpartum
woman's knowledge regarding postpartum self-care, Part five: Postpartum woman's self-care
during postpartum period, 2
tool: review of infant's growth and development measurements sheet,
tool: home environmental assessment observational checklist. Results:the current study
revealed thatless than three quarter of postpartum women had negative total cultures and beliefs
regarding postpartum self-care, more than two fifth of postpartum women had satisfactory
knowledge toward total postpartum self-care, also majority had inadequate self-care. With a highly
statistically significant difference between knowledge and self-care practice Conclusion: the total
score level for self-care practice revealed that the majority of study sample unaware of adequate
self-care practice in rural areas. Recommendations: applying health education programs about
maternal health issues through ministry of health.