Background: Developmental language disorder is one of the most common types of special educational needs and is a risk factor for children's later development associated with enhanced behavioral, emotional, social difficulties and in particular peers problems, literacy difficulties and reduced levels of academic achievement. Aim of the study: was to assess maternal stressors and coping strategies toward their children with developmental language disorder. Subjects& Method: Research design: A descriptive exploratory design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at Speech outpatient clinic at Zagazig University Hospitals and Speech outpatient clinic at AL Ahrar Hospital. Subjects: The study sample was composed of 80 mothers of children with developmental language disorder. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used to collect the necessary data. The first was structured interview questionnaire sheet. The second was Parent's stressors scale and the third was Parental Coping Strategy Inventory. Results: The study results revealed that more than half of mothers had moderate stressors in relation to total mothers stressors as well as the majority of mothers had high coping. Conclusion: The study concluded the mothers facing many stressors including stressors related to their children's behaviors, psychological stressors, stressors related to restrictions of their roles, stressors related to relationship with spouse, social stressors and physical stressors and many of these mothers were coping with the situation as well as the stress score was negatively correlated with the coping score and the total stress score was related to the coping strategy of informational support. Recommendations: The study recommended that design mother's education program for the mothers of preschool children with language delay to reduce child's behavior problems, overcome maternal stressors and increase positive mother's coping.