Background: Malnutrition in the elderly characterized by insufficient dietary intake, poor
appetite, muscle wasting and weight loss. It is associated with several adverse health outcomes in
the elderly. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of intervention program for the elderly with
malnutrition to improve their nutritional status. Research Design: A quasi experimental study
was used. Setting: the study was conducted at outpatient clinics of geriatrics at El-Demerdash
hospital at Ain –Shams University .Sample: the study involved 74 elderly patients from male and
female attending the previously mentioned setting. Tools: First tool was self-administrated
questionnaire for assessing the elderly demographic characteristics, life style, dietary habits &
their knowledge about malnutrition. Second tool: Mini nutritional assessment scale to assess their
nutritional status. Third tool: observational checklist to assess the elderly's oral hygiene
practices. Results: study indicated that more than half of the elderly were at risk of malnutrition
and more than one third of them were malnourished with higher percentage in females.
Respectively, the mean of their BMI were 17.9. Additionally, all of the elderly had lack of
knowledge. Post implementation of the intervention program, there was a highly significant
improvement in the elderly knowledge, nutritional and health status. Conclusion: the study
proved that the intervention program had remarkable improvement in the elderly knowledge,
practice and nutritional status. Recommendations: the study recommended that provision of
educational booklets for elderly as a guide and reference is very important to motivate them for
continuity of following the adequate healthy diets and practices as well as periodic screening and
assessment of elderly for early detection of nutritional disorders. Respectively, involve caregivers
in the proper nutritional care for the elderly.