Background: Passive smoking is unintentional breathing in of smoke that gets
permeated into the environment due to smoking by an “active" smoker. The study aim: was to
evaluate the effect of nursing guideline of reducing passive smoking hazards on pregnancy
outcome. Research design: A quasi-experimental study sample: a purposive sample include 214
pregnant women with passive smoking exposure from Ain Shams university maternity hospital.
The total No. of the sample divided into two groups (control group and study group). Tools:five
tools were used for data collection; structured interviewing questionnaire sheet, written exam tool
(Pre/post/follow up test), attitude assessment tool, maternal and fetal assessment sheet & maternal
and neonatal observation sheet, plus educational supportive material about effect of passive
smoking on pregnant women and prevention. The results revealed that, there were more than
two-thirdof pregnant mothers among control group suffered from abnormal vital
signs(temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure) during pregnancy & 2 hours
immediately after labor & there were more than two-third of mothers among study group
delivered vaginally and one-tenth only of them delivered by caesarean section while two-third of
mothers among control group delivered vaginally and one-third of them delivered by caesarean
section also the majority of mother in study group had newborn with good health conditions and
good APGAR score in 1&5 minutes after labor compared with more than one-half of mothers
in control group had newborn with abnormal fetal heart rate ,weight and APGAR score at first &
fifth minutes after birth. conclusion revealed that, more than two third of studied sample “both
group" had unsatisfactory knowledge and negative attitude about passive smoking hazards on
pregnancy at 1
trimaster while more than three quarter of study group who received specific
nursing guideline were /satisfactory knowledge & positive attitude about passive smoking hazards
at 2
and 3
trimaster of pregnancy. The study recommended that the nursing guide line
intervention for pregnant women in first trimaster through session/ booklet or brochures and
follow up tests were improved the women knowledge &attitude for reducing passive smoking
hazards on pregnancy outcome.