Background: Home health care services were to help individuals to improve function
and live with greater independence, to promote the client's optimal level of well-being, to assist
the patient to remain at home avoiding hospitalization or admission to long-term care. Stents
reduce angina (chest pain) and have been shown to improve survivability and decrease adverse
events in an acute myocardial infarction. The Aim of the study is to measure the effect of a
nursing intervention at home to prevent recurrence of cardiac stent. Research design: A quasi
experimental design was utilized. Settings: The study was conducted at outpatient clinics of
cardiovascular surgery hospital of Ain Shams University hospitals. Subjects: A purposive
randomly selected sample which composed of one hundred and thirty four clients after cardiac
stent. Tools of data collection: First: Structured interviewing questionnaire, it was composed of 3
parts, part one: socio-demographic data, part two: Assess client's knowledge regarding cardiac
stent .Part three: client practice related to behavioral habits, nutrition and physical activities. Second
tool: Environmental assessment for home condition (ventilation, cleanliness'). Third tool: Client
medical record to assess client diagnosis, investigations, and treatments vital signs, and weight
and height Results: Revealed a highly statistical significant relation between clients practice and
knowledge of clients regarding cardiac stent pre & post nursing intervention. Conclusion: This
study concluded that, the nursing intervention program had a highly statistical significant
relationship with improved knowledge and practices of clients of cardiac stent and change life
style to prevent recurrence of cardiac stent. Recommendations: Building up a national strategy
for home care for enhancement knowledge and help in change life style for clientswith cardiac
stent to prevent recurrence cardiac stent. Expansion of health insurance services at home to covers
the needs of cardiac stent clients by nursing.