Background: Adolescents are in a vulnerable age, they may be prone to high Internet
use and its negative effects on their health. So controlling the pattern of internet usage is very
important. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of high internet use on health of
adolescents. Study design: A descriptive design was used in this study. Subject: Multistage
sample composed of 800 adolescent students. Setting: This study was carried out at El kobba,
saraya El kobba, Ensaf serry, talaee Gaber, Amon secondary schools, at Elzayton
administrator. Tools: It composed of two tools. The first tool is self-administered
questionnaire to assess socio-demographic characteristics, pattern of internet use, social and
psychological health condition of adolescents using internet. The second one is physical
assessment sheet is also used to assess physical status of them. Results: The results of this
study clarified that 33% of study sample their ages were 17 years or more, 69.5% of them are
male, 84.6% of them, their pattern of internet use were moderate pattern and 15.4% of them
were high pattern, 17% of the study sample with high pattern of internet use had high
negative physical health effect, 65.5% of them had high negative social health effect, while
49.1% had high negative psychological health effect. Conclusion: There were a significant
statistical relation between the pattern of internet use and the physical, social, psychological,
health status of adolescent, and there were also a statistical significant relation between the
pattern of internet use and scholastic achievement of adolescent. Recommendations: The
study recommended that, continuous assessment for adolescent s health status at school and
at their homes is essential, conducting educational programs for students, parents about
proper use of internet, limiting hours spent on the internet, proper body mechanics during
internet usage, design pamphlets about the health hazards of high internet usage for
secondary schools students and design short programs in the mass media to increase
awareness of adolescents and their parents about hazards of high internet usage.