Now a day a high prevalence of unhealthy dietary intake habits, poor hygienic care, sedentary life as
well as physical inactivity among secondary school adolescents is a major health concern.
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of self-care education on
lifestyle of secondary school students. Methods: Design: A quasi-experimental research design was
conducted during the years 2017-2018. Sample: The study sample included 200 students which
selected randomly from two secondary schools at Port Said City. Tools for data collection: It
included: A structured questionnaire was developed and designed by the researchers to collect data,
it consisted of two parts: part (1): question related to age, dietary habits, hygienic care, sedentary
life and bodily exercise, part (2): Assessment of anthropometric measurement. Results: Females
were somewhat younger than Males, males were taller, obese and females had significantly lower
mean of BMI than males. The studied sample had mean moderate -intensity physical activity and
vigorous -intensity physical activity and poor hygienic care pre interventions which improved post
implementation of education. Majority of secondary school students spent more than 4 hours on
Mobile daily, which decreased significantly after the self-care education. The studied sample had
poor dietary habits pre which corrected post implementation of education and there was highly
statistically significant improvement (P ≤ 0.001).before training which increased after training
(p < 0.05). The majority of them did not have breakfast, fruit, vegetables which were significantly
improved after implementation of self-care education, p < 0.01. The studied sample had mean high
sedentary time pre interventions which decreased post implementation of education and there was
highly statistically significant improvement (P ≤ 0.001). Concerning sleep hours, there was highly
statistically significant improvement (P ≤ 0.001) which increased post implementation of self-care
education. Conclusions: Findings from the present study confirms that self-care education had
positive effects on enhancement of healthy lifestyles such as practicing bodily exercise, personal
hygiene, Lessing of sedentary life, promoting sleeping and eating habits of secondary school
students. Recommendation: There is a crucial necessity for developing self-care education
regarding healthful eating, lessening sedentary and encourage bodily activity, improving personal
hygiene, promoting sleeping, and eating habits amongst secondary school students.