Introduction: The inconsistencies between the perception of the profession of nursing and
the reality of practice can lead to problems in student attrition or result in disillusionment with a
career in nursing after a new graduate enters practice. With the nursing shortage reaching critical
levels, it is important to examine possible discrepancies that exist and address strategies to reduce
them. Perception of profession of nursing is important because they offer strategic clues to
overcome the increasing nursing shortage, and public negative stereotyping. Aim: For that, this
study was selected to explore the perception of the nursing profession among baccalaureate
nursing students. Design: Descriptive design was selected. Subjects and Methods: A
convenience sample of baccalaureate nursing students (BSN) was used (N=100). Students who
were enrolled at the academic year 2015-2016, at the eight semesters were participated in this
quantitative descriptive study. Each participant completed the Perceptions of Professional
Nursing Tool (PPNT) which measured perceptions utilizing the tenets of nursing Practice,
Values, and Public Image. Results: The findings demonstrated that the majority of faculty nurse
students perceived moderate level of nursing profession perception. The highest dimension of
subscale is practice followed by the subscale of values had then the lowest subscale is public
image. There was a significant correlation between Pre/current experience at hospital or health
agency and total nursing profession as well as the nationality and Level of education and preuniversity qualification within the students' perception of nursing profession. Conclusion:
providing educational and care environments based on ethical and professional values in nursing
is essential and it can be done by conducting broad studies. Recommendations: Education of
professional nurses in terms of professional values should be initiated early at the student stage.
The students should also be able to recognize the expected tasks and responsibility while they are
in faculty. Conducting conferences and workshops for nurse students to orient them about the
nursing career, history of nursing, nursing education programs and different clinical experiences
and providing good models of professional nurse manager from service.