Port A total of 470,000 people were displaced in Darfur during 2014, of which an estimated
60% are children. In North Darfur there are increasing rates of malnutrition with Global Acute
Malnutrition (GAM) at 28.3%. Aim of the study: was to assess the effects of displacement from
war on growth of children under five years old in west Darfur. Methodology: A convenience
sample of 100 participants was taken from children under five years old Results: 10% & 64% of
non-displaced and displaced child were underweight, with statistical significant differences
between both groups respectively. Regarding length/ height for age, 8%, 6% of non-displaced and
displaced group were stunting with no statistical significant differences between both groups.
Regarding height for weight, 86%, 96% of non-displaced and displaced group were wasting with
statistical significant differences between both groups. also, it observed that, 38%, 38% of nondisplaced and displaced group were under -3 score according to z score with statistical significant
differences between both groups. Also, regarding arm circumferences for age, 12.2 %, 79.6% of
non-displaced and displaced group were under - 3 score according to z score with no statistical
significant differences between both groups. Conclusion: Residents of the refugee camps are at
higher risk of malnutrition than children living at home denoting that urgent settlement is needed
in the area of the study. Recommendation: there is a need for initiation of longitudinal studies on
growth and development of children in Darfur state using larger samples to understand the exact
causes behind these differences.