Background: Environmental health (EH) has various effects on man such as chemical,
physical, biological, social, and psychological problems. Also, it is the theory and practice of
assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing harm to human health today and in future
generations. Nurses are in primary position in dealing with patients and public health. Nursing
knowledge is key to advocacy and care in environmental health. Inclusion of an environmental
focus in a public health simulation scenario provides nursing students with knowledge and
understanding of environmental health and its impact on clients and communities. This study
aims to assess the effect of an educational program on knowledge and practices about
environmental health among 2nd year nursing institute students, general department . Research
design: A quasi experimental pre- posttest was used. Subjects: all nursing students who are
enrolled in the 2nd year at Technical Health Institute, Zawet Ghazal area, general department and
accepted to participate (n=180). Data collection: by two tools, 2 self-administered
questionnaires were designed. Tool one was used to assess the students` knowledge regarding
environmental health. Tool two ,the modified environmental health risk appraisal, was used to
assess environmental health teaching points, which students taught clients during home visits
after the EH educational intervention. An environmental intervention program was introduced to
participants. The study was performed in three phases pretest, posttest and follow up. Results: the
student nurses need to get more knowledge regarding environmental health aspects to improve
their knowledge and health teaching practices. After the environmental intervention program the
students' knowledge and health teaching practices were improved . Conclusion: significant
positive changes in the level of knowledge of the participants after implementation of the
environmental educational program. Recommendations: Implement comprehensive
environmental educational program in the curriculum of technical health institute.