Introduction: shared decision-making and is it really what we want to achieve? It may have ethical justifications. It may or may not be efficient health care when examined from health economic perspectives. Aim: This study aimed to study the effect of shared decision making program in management of children suffering from diabetes. Subjects & Methods: 1. A pre-designed questionnaire includes data about Socio-demographic characteristics of the diabetic children (age, gender, educational level etc..), Knowledge of the diabetic children related to the use of information technology (such as internet, mobile phone and SMS, etc..) and its effect on glycemic control. As well as, their knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus (definition, predisposing factors, signs and symptoms etc..), factors affecting decision making in diabetes management, 2- Psychometric assessment scales to assess level of depression, anxiety, self-esteem and aggressive behavior of the diabetic children. 3- Perception scale of decision making for children to assess General perception of decision making for children in relation to management of their diabetes. Unit based perception of decision making for children in relation to management of their diabetes.4-Decision making program based on actual need assessment of the studied sample Results: The study results revealed that, there was a statistical significant difference between pre and post program intervention in most items related to diabetic children's knowledge about decision making and factors affecting decision making Conclusion: the decision making program was successful in management of children suffering from diabetes, which affects positively in improving psychometric assessment (anxiety, self-esteem, depression and aggressive behavior) of the studied sample) Recommendation: It is recommended to apply such decision making intervention program in primary health care centers and hospitals caring for diabetic children and their care givers.