الملخص :
إنَّ موسيقى الشِّعرِ عُنصرٌ جوهريٌّ في تشکيلِ النَّصِّ، فهو يُکمِلُ بقيَّةَ العناصر، ويُؤَازِرُها في الوقت نفسه، ومن ثَمَّ کان ذا وشائج بالصُّورةِ الشِّعريَّةِ وتقنياتِ الشَّکلِ، وبِلُغةِ النَّصِّ الشِّعريِّ بوجهٍ عَامٍّ، وقد احتفظ عنصرُ الموسيقى بمکانةٍ خاصَّةٍ ومُتمَيِّزةٍ طوال عصورِ الشِّعرِ العربي المختلفةِ، فقد ظَلَّ للأوزانِ الشِّعريَّةِ وتفاعيلِ الخليلِ السَّطوةُ، والحَدُّ المميِّزُ والفارقُ بين الشِّعرِ وغيرِهِ مِنَ الفنونِ القوليَّةِ والکلامِ المنثورِ؛ وذلک لأنَّ الأوزانَ الشِّعريَّةَ بُنِيَت تفاعيلُها على موسيقى الألفاظِ من توافُقِ حرکاتٍ وسکناتٍ معينةٍ، وقد اتَّفَقَ القدماءُ والمحدثون على أنَّ الموسيقى من أهمِّ الأُسُسِ التي يقومُ عليها الشِّعرُ. اهتمت التياراتُ الشِّعريَّةُ العربيةُ الحديثةُ بتجديدِ موسيقى الشعر، بَدءا بالتيارات الرُّومانِتيکيَّةِ (الدِّيوان والمهجر وأبوللو) ، ومرورا بِروادِ الشعر الجديد (شعر التفعيلة) ، ووصولا بقصيدةِ النَّثرِ، وقد کان لِشعراءِ المهجرِ دورٌ بارزٌ وتأثيرٌ کبيرٌ في ذلک؛ نتيجةً لِتأثُّرِهم – وخاصة شعراء الشَّمال- بتيارات الشعر الأمريکي، ولميل نفوسهم إلى الحريَّةِ والتَّحرُّرِ من قُيُودِ التَّقلِيدِ، إضافة إلى بُعدِهِم عن غلاةِ التَّقلِيدِ في الوطنِ العربيِّ. وتهتمُّ هذه الدِّراسَةُ بالتَّحليلِ والکشفِ عنِ التَّجدِيدَاتِ التي أحدثها المهجريُّون في موسيقى الشعر .
The music of poetry is an essential element in the formation of the text, as it complements the rest of the elements, and supports it at the same time, and then it has connections with the poetic image and the techniques of the form, and the language of the poetic text in general is a whole, a sacred element that has been preserved, and has preserved aparticular element with a lost element, and has preserved aparticular element with a lost element, and has preserved aspecific element in a sacred form, having preserved aparticular element, having lost a certain element, and has preserved a particular element in a lost form. The poetic weights and the bright interactions of Hebron, the distinctive border and the difference between poetry and other anecdotal arts and discourse. This is because poetic weights are based on the interaction of verbal music with the agreement of certain movements and habits, and the ancient and modern speakers agreed that music is one of the most important foundations of poetry.Modern Arab poetic currents focused on the renewal of poetry music, starting with Romanian currents (Diwan, Mehjer, and Apollo), and passing through the new pioneers of poetry (activating poetry), through the prose poem, and the poets of the diaspora had a prominent role in this. As a result of their influence, especially the poets of the North, on the currents of American poetry, and their tendency towards freedom and freedom from the restrictions of tradition, as well as their distance from the precious traditions in the Arab world. This study is concerned with analyzing and revealing the innovations that the Diaspora brought about in the poetry music