رعاية حق الله عزوجل عند النحاة
عبد العزيز عياد
قسم اللغويات ، کلية اللغة العربية بالزقازيق ، جامعة الأزهر ، جمهورية مصر العربية
البريد الإلکتروني: abdulazizmohammed182.el@azhar.edu.eg
من يطالع کلام النحاة يجد أنهم عند الحديث عن مسألة تتعلق بالله Y، أو باسم من أسمائه، او بصفة من صفاته I وضعوا نصب أعينهم حق الله Y من إثبات الکمال الواجب له أو تنزيهه عن النقص الذي لا يليق به؛ تعظيما له وتنزيها.
فرعاية لحق الکمال الواجب له I:
أجمعوا على أنه أعرف المعارف، ولا يدخل اسم الجلالة (الله) ولا الضمير العائد عليه I في محل النزال حول ترتيب المعارف، وحکموا أن تعريفه باقٍ لا يزال.
وحکموا بأن الألفاظ الجارية عليه I يجب حملها على ما يليق بصفاته.
وأجروا عليه ألفاظ التذکير لا لمعنى التذکير، وإنما لشرفها، وسبقها، وخفتها.
ورعاية لحق تنزيهه عن النقص:
أجمعوا أن أسماءه لا تصغّر؛ تعظيما له وإجلالا، کما منعوا تصغير کل ما عُظّم شرعا؛ لأن کُلُّ مَا عَظَّمَ اللَّه فَهُوَ عَظِيمٌ حَسَنٌ جميل.
ونزهوا کلامه من بدل النسيان أو الغلط.
ونزهوه عن الطمع والترجي الذي في (عسى ولعل)؛ لتمام علمه.
ورفض ابن مالک تسمية باء الاستعانة في کلامه؛ تنزيها له عن معنى الاستعانة؛ لأنه هو المستعان، وليس بالمستعين.
حتى في المصطلح النحوي فرقوا بينه وبين خلقه فيما قد يوهم نقصا أو سوء أدب معه Y.
وقد کشف البحث النقاب عن هذه المسائل وغيرها، وأثبت قول العلماء فيها، وبين وجه الصواب منها.
فليس کل ما قال النحاة بداعي تنزيه الله Y أو إثبات الکمال له I صحيحا في موضعه، وکثير منه اختلفوا فيه ولم يجمعوا عليه، غير أن ما اتفقوا عليه هو مراعاة حقه I إثباتا فيما أثبتوه، وتنزيها فيما نفوه عنه U.
الکلمات المفتاحية: حق الله – تعظيما لله – تنزيها لله – النحاة – أفعال الله
Caring for Allah's Right to Grammarians.
Abdulaziz Ayyad
Department of Linguistics , Faculty of Arabic Language in Zagazig ,
Al Azhar University, Egypt.
Email: abdulazizmohammed182.el@azhar.edu.eg
Those who read the words of the grammarians find that when speaking about a matter related to Almighty Allah, or in the name of His names, or as one of His Attributes, they bear in their mind Allah's right from proving the Perfection to Him or glorification of Him from the lack that is not inappropriate for Him; Veneration of Allah and glorification of Him.
For taking care of the right to perfection due to Allah Almighty:
They are unanimously agreed that Allah is the most known among the knowledges, and the name of God (Allah) and the conscience that belongs to Him shall not be in the place of contention over the arrangement of knowledges, and they ruled that his definition remains.
And they ruled that the current words on Him (Allah) must be carried according to what befits His characteristics.
And they pronounced words of remembrance on Him, not to the meaning of remembrance, but to her honor, precedence and intimidation.
And caring for Allah's glorification from the lack:
They are unanimously agreed that his names do not diminish, to glorify Him and honor Him, as they prevented from minimizing all that was magnified according to Islamic law, because all that Allah glorifies it is great, beautiful and beautiful.
And glorify His words from forgetting or wrong.
Also glorify Him greed and the hope that is in (perhaps, maybe); for completeness His knowledge.
Ibn Malik also refused to use the calling B as an aid to his words, glorifying him from the meaning of Seeking help, because He who seeking help from Him, and not seek help.
Even in the grammatical term they differentiated Him from his creation in what may delude a lack of or bad manners with Him.
The research revealed the veil on these and other issues, and proved the words of the scholars on them, and make clear what is right about it.
Not everything that the grammarians said in order to glorify Allah Almighty or prove perfection to Him is true in its position, and many of them disagreed about it and did not unanimously agree on it, except that what they agreed upon is to observe His right in proof of what they have proven, and glorification with what they glorify Him.
keywords: Allah's right - Veneration of Allah- Inerrancy of Allah –
The grammarians - Allah's actions