Background and study aim : The increased of demand for GIT endoscopies necessitates the assistance of highly trained endoscopy nurses to perform her role to take care of patients undergoing different GIT endoscopies through the whole phases of endoscopy.The aim of this study is to assess knowledge and practice of nurses regarding to Gastrointestinal Endoscopy procedure and suggested nursing guideline. .
Patients and Methods: The present study conducted in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit at Zagazig University Hospitals. The study subject includes all available endoscopy 35 nurses. Three tools were used for collection of data, first questionnaire sheet to collect knowledge about socio demographic characteristics of study nurses and questions to assess nurses' knowledge regarding endoscopy as definition, structure, complications, nursing role, guidelines and types of endoscopy and her role in the pre-procedure, during procedure and post- procedure. Second tool was nursing attitude. Third tool was an observational checklist to assess nurses' practice in the pre procedure, during procedure and post procedure in endoscopy and Suggested nursing guideline.
Results: The study revealed that more than half of the nurses had their age equal 25 years or less and most of them had diploma degree and that more than half of nurses had their working experience range from 8 years to less than 28 years. Most of studied nurses had satisfactory level of nurses' knowledge regarding Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. The majority of nurses had positive attitude. The majority of nurses had unsatisfactory nurses' level of practice before, during and after GI endoscope, discharge instructions and manual disinfection of endoscopy. Also, there were statistical significant relationship between total nurses' knowledge regarding GI endoscopy and their age, training and work duration and not significant with nurse qualification.
Conclusion: We can conclude that the nurse age, training and working duration are affecting the level of nurses' knowledge regarding gastrointestinal endoscopy including; general precautions, basic steps to clean and disinfection in endoscopy unit. The majority of nurses had positive attitude. While training and qualification can affect dealing with patients in addition to nurses' level of practice before, during and after GI endoscope, discharge instructions and manual disinfection of endoscopy. So, we recommend adequate education and training of all nurses working with gastrointestinal endoscopy unit, with continuous evaluation of nurses' work practice. Periodic evaluation may help to take decision regarding training programs to increase theoretical and practical experience. Further studies are necessary to identify effects of educational programs on nurses' performance in gastrointestinal endoscopy unit.