The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of neutral amino acid and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) on maturity of Kashkaval cheese. Results indicated that adding neutral amino acids and SDS to Kashkaval cheese curd improved the rheological and sensory properties significantly and had a good apprecuated effect on cheese quality. Using mixture of asparagines and leucine increased moisture, F/DM, TN, salt/moisture, acidity, WSN, WSN/TN, TVFA, FAA and springiness while decreased pH, hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness. Kashkaval cheese supplemented with mixture of the neutral amino acids asparagine and leucine (1 mg asparagine + 1 mg leucine/Kg curd) was considered to be superior to the control or other experimental cheese followed by cheese supplemented with 2 mg leucine/Kg curd. Furthermore, it achieved the best results for the rheological characteristics.