Background: As there is no dedicated artery to the flaps used in urethroplasty, a big dartos pedicle must be produced to ensure the skin stays alive. These flaps are typically made from the penile or scrotal skin. Flaps can be used to repair damage, but they need considerable dissection and a significant amount of time to harvest. When the dartos layer of the penis is redistributed from some or all of its typical circumference, scarring and loss of normal shape result.
Objective: This review article aimed to assess different roles of skin flaps for urethroplasty.
Methods: Skin flap, and Urethroplasty were all looked for in PubMed, Google scholar, and Science direct. References from relevant literature were also evaluated by the authors, but only the most recent or complete studies from January 2000 to May 2021 were included. Due to the lack of sources for translation, documents in languages other than English have been ruled out. Papers that did not fall under the purview of major scientific investigations, such as unpublished manuscripts, oral presentations, conference abstracts, and dissertations, were omitted.
Conclusion: Because of its high success rate and low risk of complications, urethroplasty flaps are an excellent choice for treating urethral strictures.