Background: Several ailments, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, have been linked to today's sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. However, environmental toxins have also been linked to this rise in recent decades. Phthalates, a chemical found in plastics, are a concern because of the amount of time people spend in contact with them on a daily basis. Phthalates exposure has been linked to cardiovascular health in several studies, which have already established a favorable correlation with hypertension and atherosclerosis development in adults and some cardiovascular risk factors in kids, pregnant women as well as adults
Objective: Assessment of possible effects of di ethyl phthalate on different functions of cardiovascular system.
Methods: Di ethyl phthalate, and cardiovascular system were all looked for in PubMed, Google scholar, and Science direct. References from relevant literature were also evaluated by the authors, but only the most recent or complete study from January 2000 to May 2021 was included. Due to the lack of sources for translation, documents in languages other than English have been ruled out. Papers that did not fall under the purview of major scientific investigations, such as unpublished manuscripts, oral presentations, conference abstracts, and dissertations, were omitted.
Conclusion: Cardiovascular health may be adversely affected by phthalate exposure, with changes in blood pressure and the risk of atherosclerosis as well as metabolic syndromes occurring as a result of early childhood and adult exposure.