Background: Shoulder dislocations are the most common major joint dislocations encountered in the emergency departments. Bilateral shoulder dislocations are rare and of these, bilateral posterior shoulder dislocations are more prevalent than bilateral anterior shoulder dislocations. Bilateral anterior shoulder dislocation is very rare.
Objective: We present a case of traumatic bilateral anterior and posterior shoulder dislocation and review the literature on this rare type of injury.
Case report: A 35 years old male patient known case of epilepsy had history of loss of consciousnesses and fell down from standing height. Patient came complaining of sever bilateral shoulder pain and inability of movement. Upon examination, patient was conscious, alert and oriented and vitally stable. Local examination showed right shoulder deformity, no open wounds and no ecchymosis. There was swelling around the shoulder joint and distal neurovascular exams were unremarkable with painful range of motion.
Conclusion: Bilateral anterior and posterior shoulder dislocation are the rarest of all shoulder dislocations. It is important to take accurate clinical history, a thorough clinical examination and adequate imaging in order to exclude this injury.