ArticleA cross-sectional analysis of the relationship between tinnitus functional index and anxiety and depression disorders in tinnitus patients with normal hearing
ArticleA cross-sectional analysis of the relationship between tinnitus functional index and anxiety and depression disorders in tinnitus patients with normal hearing
ArticleRelationship between Hearing Impairment and Cognitive, Functional and Psychosocial Status of Community Dwelling Older Adults
ArticleRelationship between Hearing Impairment and Cognitive, Functional and Psychosocial Status of Community Dwelling Older Adults
ArticleRelationship between Hearing Impairment and Cognitive Status and Balance Confidence among Geriatric Patients
ArticleRelationship between Hearing Impairment and Cognitive Status and Balance Confidence among Geriatric Patients
Articleالـبروفيــل النفسـي للقلــق الاجتمــاعـي لدى التـ لاميذ ذوي الإعاقة السمعية في دولة الکويت Psychological profile of social anxiety among students with hearing impairment in the St
Articleالـبروفيــل النفسـي للقلــق الاجتمــاعـي لدى التـ لاميذ ذوي الإعاقة السمعية في دولة الکويت Psychological profile of social anxiety among students with hearing impairment in the St
ArticleLiving with Children Having Hearing Impairment: Correlation Between Obstacles Experienced by Mothers and their Coping Strategies
ArticleLiving with Children Having Hearing Impairment: Correlation Between Obstacles Experienced by Mothers and their Coping Strategies
Articleالفروق في القلق العام لدى الطلاب الصم وضعاف السمع في برامج الدمج والمعاهد الخاصة " دراسة ميدانية بمنطقة مکة المکرمة"
Articleالفروق في القلق العام لدى الطلاب الصم وضعاف السمع في برامج الدمج والمعاهد الخاصة " دراسة ميدانية بمنطقة مکة المکرمة"