Background: Covid 19 is worldwide problem defined as infection caused by corona virus. World Health Organization defined it as a pandemic disease that can be controlled. It is public health problem. The regimen and ways of management of surgical patient changed after epidemic attack of Covid 19
Objective: To evaluate the procedures, infection control and follow up in emergency patient during attack of Covid 19.
Patient and methods: Cross sectional study done on 35 patient selected in emergency room in Al-Hussain University Hospital during the period from the 1st May to 1st August, done on emergency cases only and elective cases were excluded during attack of Covid 19.
Results: Total number of 35 patient, through them 28 patient (80%) were discharged without complication, 10 patient (28.6%) of them were admitted to ICU, 13 patient (37.1%) has postoperative morbidity, 3 patient (8.6%) died from postoperative complication. 3 patient were postoperatively Covid 19 positive, all discharged patient were negative for Covid 19 and no positive cases were found during follow up.
Conclusion: This study was done on the surgical patient in the hospital not on positive patient for Covid 19 and it described the best way to treatment and isolation of the surgical patient during attack of Covid 19. Patient were successfully managed and discharged with follow up for 14 days negative result of Covid 19.