Background: Hemodiafiltration (HDF) is a newly developed renal replacement therapy blood purification technology with more advantageous effects on hemodynamic stability and better removal of B2 microglobulin and phosphorous
Objective: The aim of this study is to compare effect of high flux (HF), low flux (LF) dialysis membranes and hemodiafiltration (HDF) on the metabolic status in hemodialysis patients and quality of life of those patients. Patients and Methods: This study included 60 patients more than18 years old, clinically stable with end stage renal disease on regular HD for at least three years (3 yrs), selected from HD unit in (Kobry El Kobba Military Nephrology Hospital) in the period from March 2018 to September 2018. The patients were divided into three groups equally. Group I: 20 patients on low flux dialyzer, Group II: 20 patients on high flux dialyzer, Group III: 20 patients on hemodiafiltration.
Results: There was a highly significant decrease in iPTH, B2 microglobulin and Phosphorous in patients received HDF (363.80±149.04, 8.79±7.22 and 4.31±0.74 respectively in comparison with patients received HF hemodialysis (540.10±242.55, 20.47±3.97and 4.58±1.07 respectively) and patients received LF hemodialysis (725.95±270.01, 36.60±7.22 and 5.73±1.34 respectively).Also, there were a highly significant increase in urea reduction ratio in HDF group compared to HF and LF groups (80.43±7.46, 76.03±9.55 and 65.81±7.42 respectively.
Conclusion: Hemodiafiltration is the most effective dialysis technique than high flux and low flux dialysis membrane in removal of medium sized molecule and improvement of quality of life.