Quantitative morphometric studies are commonly used nowadays in histological and pathological labs and researches. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possible effect of the histological techniques on the morphometric results and determination of correction coefficients of morphometric parameters in dependence on the histological procedure used.
The organs and cells subjected to study were ; human RBCs (lack of nuclei), albino rats liver cells (active cells) and albino rat uterus (for gross study and its muscles and fibers content). Three techniques were selected; fresh cells (blood smear and liver cell print), frozen technique and paraffin sections fixed in neutral buffered formol (common histological technique). Quantitative morphometric analysis parameters selected were diameter, perimeter, area and area percent. The obtained results were statistically analyzed by using student paired t-Test. The study showed statistically significant changes in quantitative morphometric results under the effect of histological techniques used. Frozen technique increased the morphometric results , while paraffin technique decreased them when compared with those of fresh data. Also the morphometric data of gross area and perimeter of organs affected by their fibrous elements. The study concluded that all quantitative morphometric results must be corrected by a coefficient factor which depends on the organ and technique used before analysis and evaluation of data.