This study was performed to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture and medical therapies of bronchial asthma preoperatively. Sixty patients suffered from mild to moderate bronchial asthma and coming for elective operations were chozen from the outpatient clinic of Al-Zahraa University Hospital. Patients were randomly divided into three equal groups (n=20 each). Group I patients (drug group) received oral theophylline and Salbutamol (ventolin) inhaler according to the needs. Group II patients (drug +ear acupuncture group) received same medical treatment as in group I and added ear acupuncture. Group III patients (drug + ear and body acupuncture group) received same medical treatment as in group I and II and added ear and body acupuncture. Ventilatory function tests through spirometer and interleukin-13 estimation were performed before treatment and after two weeks of treatment. Improvement of subjective and objective parameters had occurred with significant decrease in the mean serum level of interleukin-13 and decrease in the mean number of using b-agonist puffs after two weeks of treatment in the three groups, with the best results being in group III than in group II and then in group I. Conclusion: Interleukin-13 estimation togheter with ventilatory function tests is a useful parameter for pre-operative assessment and evaluation of asthmatic patients. Also medication was significantly reduced when combined with acupuncture.