The inhibitory action of Camellia sinensis (CS) extract against cancer formation has been demonstrated in different animal models involving different organ sites in many laboratories. The possible preventive activity of CS extract against cancer and its effect on liquid tumor (ascite form) or solid form is not clear. Materials and methods:To evaluateCS extract effect on female mice inoculated with Eherlich carcinoma either intraperitoneally (ascite form) or subcutaneously back in the neck region (solid form). Camellia sinensist (CS) extract administrated daily for 2 weeks before tumor inoculation and then till the end of the experiment. Female mice bearing Eherlich ascite carcinoma (ascite form) sacrificed on 6th and 12th day after tumor inoculation and the other inoculated with the solid form sacrificed after 2 and 4 weeks of the tumor inoculation. Histopathological examination of Eherlich tumor, liver and kidney tissues was carried out and many of biochemical parameters ( total protein, albumin, glucose, GPT, GOT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, creatinine and urea) were analyzed.
Results:The results reveled that tumor inoculation and the progressive formation of the Eherlich tumor leads to alterations in the structure of liver and kidney tissues as response to the tumor spread. Biochemical analysis represents decrease in total protein and albumin and increase in the other investigated parameters. CS extract administrations showed destructive effect on tumor tissue and significantly decreased the sever damage in tissue structures due to tumor spread. Amelioration in the different biochemical analysis was also recorded.
Conclusion: CS extract have a curing effect on tumor ( solid or ascite forms) ,progression and spread and have an ameliorating effect on different serum activity levels.