The present investigation aimed to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of local pomegranate peel on the oxidative damage induced by lead intoxication in rats. Forty-eight female Albino rats were divided into four equal groups. Group (1) kept as a control group, while Group (2) was fed on 1000 ppm lead acetate in drinking water. Group (3) received 1000 ppm lead acetate in drinking water plus 1 mL of distilled water containing 43 mg/rat of pomegranate peel aqueous extract via gastric intubation and Group (4) received 1 mL of distilled water containing 43 mg/rat of Pomegranate peel aqueous extract via gastric intubation. All rats were treated with the respective regime daily for five weeks. Administrations of lead acetate for 5 weeks caused significant decrease of total proteins, globulins (α, β & γ), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine hormone (T4) with significant increase of the urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lead residue in liver and lipid peroxidase. Mild degenerative and necrobiotic changes in liver and kidney were detected histopathologically. Administration of pomegranate peel extract revealed minor ameliorative effect on serum proteins, aminotransferases and urea levels. Treating rats with both of lead acetate and Punica granatum peel aqueous extract for 5 weeks revealed focal hepatic necrosis, hypercellularity of renal glomeruli and degeneration in the epithelial cells lining of renal tubules. Administration of aqueous extract of Punica granatum peel for 5 weeks to healthy rats induced congestion of central vein of liver and degeneration in the epithelial cells lining of renal tubules. This study figure out that administration of Punica granatum peel aqueous extract had a mild deleterious effect on healthy rats with a slight improvement on the oxidative damage induced by lead intoxication in rats.