اعتمدت في هذا البحث على المنهج التحليلي الذي يتناول کل عنصر من عناصر الموضوع، وهذا البحث يهدف إلى تأکيد أن جانب علم الدراية مقدمة لفقه الرواية وأنهما صنوان لا يفت وعلوم السنة النبوية، وذکرت أثر جانب الدراية والرواية على الأحکام الشرعية مع ذکر أمثلة تطبيقية للتوضيح والبيان، وکانت أهم نتائج هذا البحث أن المحدثين جمعوا في الأهمية بين الإسناد والمتن في هذا الباب على وجه الخصوص خدمة للمذاهب الفقهية، وأن علم أحاديث الأحکام من العلوم الضرورية للفقيه فهو مصدر من مصادر التشريع ولا يقوم الاجتهاد إلا به، فضلا عن أنه يؤصل للجمع بين النص ومقاصده من خلال الإلمام بين الدراية والرواية، وأن تنوع الاجتهاد الفقهي بين الأئمة وتفاوت مدارک المجتهدين في النصوص الشرعية مبنى على أسباب کثيرة لعل
In this research, I relied on the analytical method that deals with each element of the subject, and this research aims to confirm that the aspect of know-how is an introduction to the jurisprudence of the novel, and that they are two inseparable ones that the mujtahid needs in his fatwa for his need for the correct evidence. Then I mentioned its importance, as it is one of the matters to which the nation is referred to in its legislative issues, and indicated the historical stages that this science has gone through, and mentioned the most famous scientific books written in it throughout the different ages until this science appeared in special works that became scientific sources based on its explanation by specialists in Hadith and jurisprudence Despite their different religious doctrines,Including what brought them together, then she presented a model from the most important of these books, and highlighted the role of the modernists in the service of this science, and the people's care for the jurisprudence of the texts in their various works, and what they distinguished from the scientific accuracy of hadith and jurisprudence that enabled them to arrange and classify the appropriate translation of the hadiths of the chapter and implement the rules The weighting when disagreement, and it appeared from the research that the jurisprudence of hadith is based on various scientific pillars such as the sciences of the Arabic language, the science of jurisprudence and the sciences of the Prophetic Sunnah, and mentioned the impact of the aspect of knowledge and narration on the legal rulings with mentioning practical examples for clarification and statement, and the most important results of this research were that the modernists gathered in importance Between the chain of transmission and the text in this section in particular in the service of the schools of jurisprudence,And the knowledge of hadiths of rulings is one of the necessary sciences for the jurist, as it is one of the sources of legislation, and ijtihad is not based without it. Perhaps the most important of them are the hadith reasons in dealing with the acceptance of news, and that the science of hadith is an accurate balance of weighting between various issues and therefore there is no room for fanaticism and whims, and that misunderstanding about God and His Messenger )r( the lack of verification of the transmitted until it became the basis for these understandings in Sharia issues stems from a lack of knowledge of the hadiths of rulings, and that the claim that the fatwa is general for all people without looking at the issue of specialization is rejected by those who delve into this science as the methods of scholars and their various approaches to knowing the concepts of legal rulings And ways to prove it and the faces of its significance.