فإن هذا البحث قد اشتمل على مقدمة وتمهيد وأربعة مباحث وخاتمة، فقد جاء التمهيد ليتناول: تحديد مفاهيم عنوان البحث، وجاء المبحث الأول ليتناول التأصيل التاريخي لنسب نبي الله عيسى (u) وکذا ولادته ونشأته، وجاء المبحث الثاني ليتناول الحديث عن دعوة نبي الله عيسى (u) لبني إسرائيل وموقفهم منها، وجاء المبحث الثالث ليتناول الذب والدفاع عن نبي الله عيسى (u) فيما نسب إليه من ادعاء اليهود لقتله وصلبه وبيان بطلان ذلک، وجاء المبحث الرابع ليتناول الذب والدفاع عن نبي الله عيسى (u) فيما نسب إليه من ادعاء النصارى لألوهيته وکذلک بنوته لله تعالى وذلک بعد رفعه واختلافهم في هذا وبيان بطلان ذلک، ثم جاءت الخاتمة لتشتمل على أهم النتائج والتوصيات، ثم بعد ذلک قائمة المصادر والمراجع التي استقى البحث منها مادته، وأخيراً فهرس الموضوعات.
Praise Be To Allah, He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth. That He may make it superior to all religions. And All-Sufficient is Allâh as a Witness. And I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and our Prophet Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. blessing and peace be upon our prophet Mohammed, his family and his companions.
... And thereafter;
This research has included an introduction, a preamble, four topics, and a conclusion.
The preamble was the definition of the concepts of the title of the research, and the first topic was the historical rooting of the lineage of Jesus, as well as his birth and upbringing, and the second topic was the talk about the call of Jesus to the Israelites, and their attitude towards it.
The third topic was the discussion of the false claim of the Jews, killing and crucifixion of Jesus peace be upon him.
The fourth topic, was the defense of Jesus, peace be upon him, and the Christians' claim to his divinity, and that he is the son of God, after his death and their disagree in this.
The conclusion then included the main findings and recommendations.
Then, the list of sources and references from which the research derives its materials, and finally the index of topics