لمَّا کان صلاح حال الإنسان، ومآل سعادته في الدنيا والآخرة متعلق بصلاح قلبه، شرع الله لنا على لسان نبيه ما يصلح هذا القلب، من هذه الأشياء ذکر الله تعالى، بل مثَّل النبي حال الذاکر، وغير الذاکر، بالحي والميت، فحثنا على المداومة على الذکر في مختلف الأوقات، وشتى الأماکن والبقاع، وخاصة أوقات، وأماکن الغفلة، من هذه الأماکن " الأسواق" وقد ورد عن النبي ذکراً ودعاءً خاصاً عند دخول السوق، ولکن اختلفت الأقوال فيه، واضطربت، وتباينت، ما بين مصحِّحٍ له يصل به - بطرقه ومتابعاته - إلى الصحيح لغيره، وما بين مُضعِّفٍ له، وما بين رادٍّ لبعض طرقه، واصفها بالاضطراب الشديد، فأردت أن أُجَلِّىَ القول في هذا الحديث، متتبعاً جميع طرقه وشواهده، لأصل إلى الحکم الصواب فيه - کل ذلک حسب جهدي وطاقتي – خاصة وقد قال الإمام الحاکم -عقب تخريجه الحديث - : ( لَهُ طُرُقٌ کَثِيرَةٌ تُجْمَعُ، وَيُذَاکَرُ بِهَا) .
فتوکلت على الله، وشرعت في هذا البحث مستعيناً بالله تعالى ، وسميته:
( هدي العليم الخَلَّاق في تخريج ودراسة حديث دخول الأسواق ) راجياً منه التوفيق والتيسير والسداد.
Since the goodness of the human condition and the consequence of his happiness in this world and the day of judgement are related to the goodness of this heart, so Allah “Glory be to him" prescribed upon us by his prophet_ mohammed (peace be upon him) through the revelation
What is good and right for this heart, and one of these things is the remembrance of Allah "Glory be to him" in this regard, the prophet Mohammed "Glory be to him" give an example for us to show the condition who is remember Allah and who is not as alive and a dead. So, the prophet (pbuh) urged us on the continuity of the remembrance of Allah in venous times, places and spots , especially the places and times of forgettness from these places are the markets. So ascertain remembrance and prayer have been narrated by the prophet (pbuh) when we enter the market , but the saying are varied, confused and differed, whether a corrector to this hadith. Roaching with its me thuds and follow ups to the degree of the right to another one except it, the other hand who weakens this hadith, and who renders him to some of his methods, describing them with the severe disorder, to all the previous reasons the researcher wants to clarify the sayings in this hadith by following all his methods and evidences, to reach the right judgement about it all these effort, according my ability especially, since Imam al-Hakim said after mentioning this hadith has a lot of methods that can be collected and got studying about it
So I relied on Allah "Glory be to him" and started this research by the will of Allah "Glory be to him" and named it the guidance of Allah the All-knowing, the creative in mentioning and studying hadith the entering of the marke's" hoping that Allah may guide me and correct my work