ورد في القرآن الکريم والسنة النبوية العديدُ من الأدلة النقلية والعقلية على إثبات النبوة الخاتمة، وجدال المخالفين للرسالة، وقد بعث الله نبيه محمداً على فترة من الرسل؛ فلم يلبث أن تسامع الناس عن خبر مبعثه، ونبأ رسالته؛ وکان من أکثر الناس عنايةً بهذا الحدث العظيم، والأمر الجلل؛ لقد کان من أعظم الناس عنايةً لمبعث النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم أهلُ الکتاب من اليهود والنصارى؛ وکان اليهود قد سکنوا المدينة مهاجِرَ رسول الله r وما حولها؛ ترقباً لذلک الحدث الکبير ولم يدُر في خلدهم أنه سيبعث من العرب!...ولذا کانوا يلقون عليه من الأسئلة الاختبارية ليستوضحوا حاله، ويتبينوا أمره... فهذا البحث محاولة لذکر نماذج تطبيقية لنوعٍ من المحاورة التي دارت بين النبي r وأحبار اليهود، وکيف کانوا يحاولون معرفة صدق نبوته من خلال ما يطرحونه من الأسئلة، فيعرضوا أجوبة النبي الخاتم r على ما يجدونه مکتوباً عندهم في أسفارهم، وما ورثوه من آثار أنبياء بني إسرائيل؛ ولقد کانت أجوبته لهم من دلائل نبوته r . لقد أدى المنهج الذي سلکه هذا البحث وهو المنهج التاريخي؛ إلى أن تکون خطته على النحو التالي: المبحث الأول: أثر مفهوم النبوة عند اليهود على موقفهم من نبوة محمد r. المبحث الثاني: أسئلة اليهود عن الأحداث التاريخية الماضية. المبحث الثالث: أسئلة اليهود عن ماهية بعض المخلوقات. المبحث الرابع: أسئلة اليهود عن اليوم الآخر. وکان من أبرز نتائج البحث: 1ـ أن أجوبة النبي صلى الله عليه
In the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, there are many textual and rational evidences to prove the final prophecy, and the controversy of with the contravariants of message, and Allah sent His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after a period [of suspension] of messengers; Certainly, people have heard about the news of his messengership and his message. He was one of the most concerned about this great event, and the great matter. The people of the Book, the Jews and Christians, were among the greatest people who cared about the Messengership of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Jews had inhabited Medina and its surroundings places to where the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was migrated. In anticipation of that great event, they did not know that his Messengership would be raised from the Arabs!...Therefore, they would ask him some questions to clarify his condition and clarify his matter...
This research is an attempt to shed light on practical examples of a form of dialogue that took place between the Prophet (PBUH), and the rabbis of the Jews, and how they were trying to know the truthfulness of his prophethood through the questions they asked. So, they compare the answers of the Final Prophet to what they find written in their books, and what they inherited from the effects of the prophets of the Children of Israel; His answers to them were evidence of his prophethood (PBUH). The approach in this research is the historical method; its plan is as follows: The first topic: the effect of the concept of prophecy for the Jews on their position on the prophecy of Muhammad (PBUH). The second topic: Questions of the Jews about past historical events. The third topic: Questions of the Jews about the nature of some creatures. Fourth topic: Questions of the Jews about the Last Day. The most prominent results of the search were: 1- That the answers of the Prophet (PBUH), were a reason for the conversion of a number of the People of the Book to Islam.
2- the general questions of the Jews were about the past or future unseen matters. 3-The questions of the Jews to the Prophet are answered by those who claim that the Message of Islam was taken from the scholars of the People of the Book, because if that was the case, their intention of asking these questions would not have occurred. 4- the Prophet used to converse with them and answer their questions in the best manner; He may even smile as he answers; This indicates his good dealings with the People of the Book and his kindness to them. Especially those who asked.
5- There was no sarcasm or mockery in the Prophet's conversation with the Jews, their religion or their books, and this indicates sophistication in dealing with the contravariant.