کانت المرأة فى دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة قبل قيام الإتحاد وقبل مجئ الشيخ زايد رحمه الله تعيش فى جهل وظلام وتعانى من انعدام الرأى فى کافة مجالات الحياة وسبب ذلک کله هو العادات والتقاليد الظالمة التى کان يعيشها المجتمع الاماتى ولکن بعد مجئ الشيخ زايد رحمه الله استطاع أن يرفع من شأن المرأة لأنه أدرک بأن المرأة هى نصف المجتمع وهى الشريک الأساسى للرجل فقام بتشجيعها على العمل وإشراکها فى بناء الدولة فاستطاعت المرأة فى عهده أن تحصل على کافة الحقوق التى کفلها دين الإسلام للمرأة .
In the United Arab Emirates before the establishment of the Union and before the advent of Sheikh Zayed, may Allah have mercy on him, women lived in ignorance and darkness and suffered from being voiceless in all spheres of life, all of that was due to the unjust customs and traditions that existed in the UAE community. After the advent of Sheikh Zayed, may Allah have mercy on him, he could elevate the status of women because he had realized that women make up half of society and are the main partner of men. He encouraged women to work and engaged women in State-building; women, in his reign, could obtain all the rights guaranteed by the religion of Islam for women.