تعدد مصادر الضمانات، لأنه لما کانت هذه الضمانات وثيقة الصلة بحقوق الإنسان لذلک حرصت البشرية على صيانتها من خـلال تشريعات داخلية سواء کانت في القانون الأساس للدولة (الدستور) أم غيره ، والتحقيق الجنائي في واقعه معناه بذل الجهد والسعي للکشف عن حقيقتها ويعتبر التحقيق الابتدائي المرحلة الأولى من مراحل الدعوى الجنائية، حيث يباشر المحقق إجراءات جمع الأدلة ويسعى لإظهار حقيقة الواقعة الإجرامية وفاعلها والمشترکين فيها لتحديد مدى جدوى توجيه الإتهام إليهم وإحالتهم للمحاکمة بناءً على ما توفر لديه من أدلة والغرض من التحقيق الابتدائي هو تحقيق الأدلة التي تريد جهة التحقيق أن ترفع الدعوى الجزائية بناء عليها وتقرير ما إذا کانت کافية لرفع الدعوى من عدمه، وسوف يقوم الباحث ببيان ضمانات المتهم في ظل نظام الإجراءات الجزائية السعودي فى مرحلة التحقيق الابتدائي- دراسة مقارنة.
Guarantees the accused under Saudi Law of Criminal Procedure in the investigation stage Alaptdaia- comparative study
the criminal case is characterized by having two stages, first: initial investigation second, judgment. The first stage is for collection of evidence and initial assessment by the public persecution. This may end up with refusal of the case or raising it to the court of law. Here starts the second stage in which evidence is re-assessed then the final judgment is to be issued either innocent or guilty. The accused rights seem important to help uncover reality and allow the opportunity for the accused to prove his innocence with respect to his humanity. The whole world sets and maintains these rights in its internal legislations either in the charter or in other laws. The criminal investigation in a particular case exerting effort and seeking truth. The initial investigation is considered the first step in conflict in which the investigator starts to collect evidence and uncover truth and decide on the criminal and his partners. This will help in validating the accusation and reference to the court of law based on evidence. The initial investigation aims at verifying evidence and deciding whether the case to be accepted or refused. Thus, maintaining the accused rights is important during the initial investigation. This study revealed the attention given to the law of criminal procedures penalization procedures to enable the accused to defend himself by attending all investigation procedures, getting an attorney, view investigation file and presenting requests and notes. The right of defense is approved in Saudi Arabia and many other lows of criminal investigation, in case no attorney is hired by the accused the government provides one for free.