
نقد ابن أبي عتيق لشعر عمر بن أبي ربيعة بين التذوق والتقعيد


Last updated: 03 Jan 2025






يسلط هذا البحث الضوء على الناقد الأموي عبد الله بن أبي عتيق الذي کـان مصاحباً للشاعـر المخزومي عمر بن أبي ربيعة ، في محاولة تهدف إلي جمع شتات النقدات التي وجهها ابن أبي عتيق إلى شعر ابن أبى ربيعة ، مع بيان أوجه الجمال والقبح في شعـر صاحبه ، مـع بيان النقد  التأثيري في شعر ابن ابي ربيعة ، وکيف کان لشعره أثر في المتلقي بحيث يميل إليه ويدافع عنه ثم الوصول من خلال هـذه النقدات إلى إثبات أن أرکـان عـمود الشعـر العـربي ، الـذي تأصلت قضيته في الـقرن الـرابع الهجري ، إنما غرست بذوره ونمت جذوره في القرن الأول الهجـري ، ثم إثبات کراهة ابن أبي عتيق أن يخرج صاحبه عن تعاليم الدين في شعره حتى ولو کان على سبيل التمني ، مع الاهتمام بصدق العاطفة لـدى الشاعـر وعدم الخروج بها إلى مرحلة المبالغة غير المقبولة ، ثم الترکـيز على عـدم التناقـض بين أجـزاء الـصورة على وجه غير مألوف ، أو عدم التناسب بين ظاهر الجملة والمعنى المراد مـنها ، وقـد اتبـع البحث في سبيـل الـوصول إلى بيان ذلک المنهج الوصفي التحليلي ، وکان مـن نتائج هـذا البحـث : التأکـيد على امتلاک ابن أبى عتيق الـقدرة البيانية التي تمـيز بين جيد الشعـر ورديئه ، مـع حمل نقـده البذور الأولى لقـضية عمود الشعر العربي ،مع الاهتمام بصدق العاطفة واستقباح صورة الفحش في شعر صاحبه ،مع اثبات أن کثرة أسماء النساء في شعره دليل على عدم صدقه في حبه .
The study sheds a light on the Ommayad critic Abullah Ben Abi Atiq who was a friend of the Makhzomi poet Omar Ben Abi Rabea's , through a trial of gathering Abi Atiq's critical views towards Omar Ben Abi Rabea , explaining beauty and ugliness sides of his friend's poetry viewing the impactful criticism of it . He also clarifies the extent of  Abi Rabea's poetry's impact on the reader , the thing that pushes him (the reader) to love and defend it .
The researcher also tried to prove ,through these critical views , that the fundamentals and basics of  the Arabic poetry , whose case was rooted in the 4th hijri century , were established and developed in the 1st hijri century . The study also sought to prove Abi Atiq's hatred of his friend's deviation from the Islamic teachings in his poems even if it was for wishful thought . Abi Atiq cared about the poet's true affection and preventing it from turning into a kind of  an unaccepted exaggeration , and focused on avoiding contradiction between the image parts in unfamiliar way or the lack of proportion between the form of the sentence and the intended meaning . The researcher utilized the descriptive analytical approach to prove these points . Some results of the study are the following:-
-Assuring Abi Atiq 's rhetorical ability that distinguishes between the enriched poem and the poor one.
- Abi Atiq 's criticism contained the basic principles of the Arabic poetry foundation .
Abi Atiq's interest in the true affection and hatred of the obscenity of  his friend's poetry, and proving that the multiplicity of women's names is an evidence of the of his friend's untruthful love.

The study sheds a light on the Ommayad critic Abullah Ben Abi Atiq who was a friend of the Makhzomi poet Omar Ben Abi Rabea's , through a trial of gathering Abi Atiq's critical views towards Omar Ben Abi Rabea , explaining beauty and ugliness sides of his friend's poetry viewing the impactful criticism of it . He also clarifies the extent of  Abi Rabea's poetry's impact on the reader , the thing that pushes him (the reader) to love and defend it .
The researcher also tried to prove ,through these critical views , that the fundamentals and basics of  the Arabic poetry , whose case was rooted in the 4th hijri century , were established and developed in the 1st hijri century . The study also sought to prove Abi Atiq's hatred of his friend's deviation from the Islamic teachings in his poems even if it was for wishful thought . Abi Atiq cared about the poet's true affection and preventing it from turning into a kind of  an unaccepted exaggeration , and focused on avoiding contradiction between the image parts in unfamiliar way or the lack of proportion between the form of the sentence and the intended meaning . The researcher utilized the descriptive analytical approach to prove these points . Some results of the study are the following:-
-Assuring Abi Atiq 's rhetorical ability that distinguishes between the enriched poem and the poor one.
- Abi Atiq 's criticism contained the basic principles of the Arabic poetry foundation .

-Abi Atiq's interest in the true affection and hatred of the obscenity of  his friend's poetry, and proving that the multiplicity of women's names is an evidence of the of his friend's untruthful love.




نقد, عتيق, عمر, عمود, الشعر . criticism؛ Atiq؛ Omar؛ foundation؛ poetry


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شعراوي محمود محمد




الأستاذ المساعد في قسم البلاغة والنقد ـ کلية اللغة العربية بأسيوط ـ جامعة الأزهر ـ جمهورية مصر العربية








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حولية کلية اللغة العربية بجرجا

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نقد ابن أبي عتيق لشعر عمر بن أبي ربيعة بين التذوق والتقعيد




Created At

22 Jan 2023