وات حجاجية ، فقد جاءت فى صورة روابط مفردة، وروابط مرکبة.
ومن الروابط الحجاجية المفردة: حرف اللام الوارد للتعليل الحجاجى، وحرف الواو الحجاجى فى الجمل المذيلة للآيات، والحرف الناسخ (إنّ) منفردا، الذى أفاد معنى حجاجيا کذلک .
ومن المرکبات الحجاجية ؛ المرکبات الحجاجية الفعلية مثل: الحرف الناسخ (أنّ) المتصل بالفعل المضارع (أعلم)، إلى جانب حرف التحقيق (قد) المتصل بالفعل المضارع (نرى) والذى اتصل أيضا بالفعل الماضى (سمع) .
والمرکبات الحجاجية الاسمية مثل: الحرف الناسخ (إن) المتصل بـ (ما) ، و اسم الإشارة المتصل بحرف الجر الکاف (کذلک) واسم الإشارة المتصل بالجار والمجرور فى المرکب الإضافي التعليلى (من أجل ذلک).
One of the most important results of this study is that The Holy Quraan contains many factors and links. The persuasive factors relates to the overall structure of the text ,while the persuasive links relate to the internal structure of the text which related to the structural and grammatical functions.
Among the persuasive factors in the Holy Quran , Suras start with the verb(say) is reduced with each other through the style of mixing exile and proof ,the style of starting generalization and then following the assignment ,the style of detailing after the totality , and the contrast style.
Among the persuasive factors also is the connection of the beginning of Surat Al-Aaaraf to its end through the styles of nodding and theorizing.
Also of the persuasive factors is the connection Suras start with the verb (say), was reduced to the Al-Fatihah through the action –response technique.
As for the persuasive links in the Holy text , they are represented in the grammatical tools ,which were transformed by the context into persuasive tools. It has been devided into single and compound links.
Among the single persuasive links is the letter ( Lam) mentioned for the persuasive explanation ,the letter ( waw ) mention for the persuasive explanation and the transcription letter.
Among the compound links is the transcript letter (that) connected to the present tense (know), the emphasis letter connected to the present tense (see)and the past tense (hear).
Also the compounds links is the transcript letter (that) connected to the tool (what) and the persuasive compound link ( for that ).