ملخص البحث
دلالة الحرکة في شعر الخليفة العباسي المرتضي بالله
الخليفةالمرتضيباللهعبد الله بنالمعتزمنالشعراءالذينالتقطواالصور منالواقعبمنظارهم الإبداعي،ونقلوهاللمتلقي،وکأنالجامدقددبَّتفيهالحياة،فتحرک،ونطق،واستحضرواالأحياء؛فکأنها تتحدثالآنتُسمَعُأصواتها،وتُرَىذواتها،وتتحرککأنهابيننافيصورإبداعيةرائعة.
ولقد کانللحرکةدورٌبارزٌفي تکوينالصورةالشعريةلدى الخليفة المرتضي بالله (ابنالمعتز)تطبيقًالماتبناهفيکتابهالنقدي) البديع( من تجديد
فيالصياغة،والصورةالشعرية،فرَسَمَالحرکةفيتعبيرهالشعري بمستوى أعلى منرَسْمَالفنانالتشکيليالمُتَمَرِّس.
ومنهناکانتفکرةالبحثالتيترتکزعلىوصفالحرکةفيإبداعاتهالشعرية ،ودلالتهافيبنية الصورة، والبيئةالنصية التي تطلَّبت الحرکة، أو کثُرَت فيها،والإطارالذيصيغتفيه،وتوظيفهافيرسمالصورةالکلية.
The significance of the movement in the poetry of the Abbasid Caliph al - Mortadhi
The Caliph Al-Murtadi Bilallah Abdullah bin Mu'taz from the poets who took pictures from reality with their creative perspective, and transferred it to the recipient, as if the rigid had lived in it, moved, and uttered, and evoked the neighborhoods; as if talking now, you hear her voices, and see them and move like us in wonderful creative images .
The movement played a prominent role in the formation of the poetic image of the caliph al-Murtadhi (Ibn al-Mu'taz) in accordance with what he adopted in his critical book (Badi ') of the renewal of the formulation and the poetic image, and he defined the movement in his poetic expression at a higher level than that of the experienced plastic artist.
Hence the idea of research based on the description of the movement in his poetic creations, and its significance in the structure of the image, and the textual environment that required the movement, or the many, and the framework in which it was formulated, and employed in drawing the overall picture.
This will be illustrated by this study.
Reference words: (indication - movement - poetry - caliph)
Abdel Nasser Badri Amin Ali