A field experiment was carried out during winter seasons of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 at the experimental farm of ornamental and medicinal plants, Faculty of Environmental Agriculture Sciences at El-Arish, Suez Canal University, North Sinai, to study the effect of different types of fertilizers; i.e., chemical fertilizer (NPK), chicken manure (ChM) and three types of inoculation bacteria phosphate solving bacteria (PSB), nitrogen fixing bacteria (NFB) and potassium release bacteria (KRB) on growth, seed and fixed oil yields of White Mustard (Brassica alba, L.) plants. Results showed that application of ChM 20 m3/fed. (full dose) alone, ChM 10 m3/fed. (half dose) + NFB or ChM (half dose) + PSB enhanced most Brassica alba, L. plants growth characteristics in both seasons as compared to chemical fertilizer in both seasons. As well as; application of ChM (half dose) with PSB increased all plant growth parameters, viz; fresh and dry weights of roots, leaves, shoots and total fresh weights as well as branches number per plant. The highest leaf pigments content, NPK and carbohydrates percentages were recorded with ChM (half dose) + PSB. Also, application of ChM + PSB gave highest seed yield. The favorable treatments for producing the highest of fixed oil yield/fed was ChM (half dose) + PSB or plus NFB. Application of ChM (half dose) with inoculation of PSB was the favorable treatment for increasing total seed yield and its components and fixed oil yields expressed as number and weight of seeds per plant and per fed. in both season followed by the treatment received ChM (half dose) + NFB only.