من المسلَّمات أن أنبياءَ الله ورسلَه عليهم السلام کانوا في حياتهم کلِّها -قبل الرسالة وبعدَها- يمثلون نماذجَ کاملةً للشباب في شتى الجوانب الدينية والخلقية والعملية والاجتماعية، فالمتطلب قدوةً لا ينبغي له أن يعدوَ سِيرَهم وما حکى الله عنهم في کتابه الکريم ﴿ﯱ ﯲ﴾ [الأنعام:90]، يستعرض قصصَهم، ويدقِّق النظرَ في أحوالهم، ويتتَبَّع مظاهرَ تربيةِ الله إياهم، ثم يصوغُ من ذلک کله مادةً تربوية تکون نبراسا يُهتدى به، ونورًا يؤتمُّ به. ولما کان سيدنا موسى عليه السلام من أکثر أنبياء الله ذکرا في القرآن الکريم، وکانت فصولُ قصته بدءًا من مولده عليه السلام مفصلةً في مواضع عدة، متضمنة دروسا قيمة وفوائد جليلة، کان هذا البحث.
Pedagogical Lessons for Youth in the Light of the
Story of Moses Peace be upon him in the Holy Qur'an
By: Nessma Nabil Ibrahim Hegazy
A PhD. Researcher
Majored in Interpretation and Qur'an Sciences
Azhar University
It is widely recognized that the messengers and prophets of Allah peace be upon them all- before or after the revelation of the divine messages- represented complete examples of youth in all the religious, ethical, practical and social aspects of life. Hence, it has become a requirement to introduce a good example that does not gallop their biographies or what has been revealed by Allah in the Holy Qur'an (Those are the ones whom Allah has guided, so from their guidance take an example. Say, " I ask of you for this message no payment. It is not but a reminder for the worlds"). ('90' Chapter 6) This verse displays their stories, examines their circumstances, traces the features of their upbringing by Allah. Then it composes a pedagogical material serving as a beacon of light to guide all the successive generations. It is largely identified that Moses peace be upon him is the most repeatedly mentioned of all the prophets of Allah in the Holy Qur'an. The story of Moses started earlier since his birth. It was mentioned in detail in many places and it included many valuable lessons and benefits as seen in this research.