ملخّص البحث
تناول هذا البحث ضربًا مِن شعر صفيّ الحلّي، خصّصه لمدح نَجْم الدّين غازي الأرتقيّ، وقد جَمَعه في کتاب مُنفصل وسمّاه " کتاب دُرَر النّحور في امتداح الملک المنصور "، وعُرفَت أشعاره بالأرتقيّات نسبة إلى الممدوح. ونُظمتْ على نسق "مَحْبُوک الطّرفين". ويُعدّ صفيّ الدّين الحلّي من أشهَر مِمَّنْ أبدعوا في هذا الضّرب من الشّعر، بل نسجَ على منواله تسعًا وعشرين قصيدة، وقد أبدع إبداعًا لم يُدانِه فيه شاعر مِن قبلُ، ولا من بعدُ إلى يومنا هذا. ولم يکنْ تفوّقه بسبب نسْجه على الشّکل الذي تعارف عليه أهل زمانه فحسب، بل لأنّه استطاع أنْ يحقّق فيه النّظمَ باتّحاد اللفظ مع المعنى؛ لذا دَرسَ البحثُ شِعرَه دراسة أسلوبيّة؛ لتبيان مدى إبداعه في ذلک، وقد توصّل البحث إلى أنّ الشّاعر کان متميّزًا في هذا المجال، واستطاع توظيف البنى الأسلوبيّة الأربع (البنية المعجميّة الدّلالية، والبنية الصّوتية، والبنية الترکيبيّة، والبنية التّخييليّة) توظيفًا ينبئ عن شاعريّة فذّة. وقد عزا البحثُ هذا التّفوق إلى ثقافة الشّاعر الواسعة، وامتلاکه ناصية اللّغة العربيّة حتّى صار من المصنّفين في علومها.
Stylistic Structures in the Classroom Poetry of Safi al-Din Al-Hilly al-Ortaqyiyyat as Exemplar
Hassan Ajab al-Dor Hassan Muhammad
Majoring in Rhetoric and Criticism, College of Arabic Language and Social Studies, Qassim University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Email: h.silk@yahoo.com
This research dealt with a type of poetry of Safi Al-Halli, devoted to the praise of Nagm el-dean Ghazi Al-Ertiqa, and he compiled it in a separate book and called it “The Book of Durr Al-Nahour in Praising King Al-Mansour", and his poems were known as the elevations according to Al-Mamdouh. It was organized according to the "knit of the two parties". Safi Al-Din Al-Halli is considered one of the most famous among those who excelled in this type of poetry. Rather, he woven twenty-nine poems, and he created an innovation in which a poet did not condemn him before, or even after today. His superiority was not only due to his weaving in the form known to the people of his time, but also because he was able to achieve systems by combining the word with meaning; So the research studied his hair stylistic study; To demonstrate the extent of his creativity in this, the research found that the poet was distinguished in this field, and he was able to employ the four stylistic structures (semantic lexical structure, sound structure, syntactic structure, and imaginary structure) an employment that predicts a unique poetic. The research attributed this superiority to the poet's vast culture, and his possession of the corner of the Arabic language even became classified in its sciences.