إنَّ العملَ بالحديث الضّعيف، إذا تلقّاه النّاس بالقبول وعملوا به، منَ المسائل الّتي بحثها العلماء عامّة من محدّثين وفقهاءَ وأصوليّين، ولهم فيها أقوال مشهورة، وبُنِيَتْ على ذلک أحکامٌ في الأصول والفروع، وربّما جعلها البعضُ قاعدةً مطّردةً، وتوسّع في تطبيقاتها، ومن هذه الأحاديث حديث «معاذ بن جبل في الاجتهاد»، فقد تردّد على ألسنة کثيرٍ منَ العلماء أنّه لم يثبت من حيث السّندُ، ولکن تلقّاه العلماء بالقبول واشتهر شُهْرة أغنت عن طلب صحة الإسناد. وفي هذه الدّراسة تحريرٌ لأقوال العلماء في هذا الحديث، هل کان احتجاجهم به بناء على صحته من حيث السّند والمتن أو بناء على تلقي أهل العلم له بالقبول والعمل بمقتضاه. فالقواعد الّتي وضعها علماء الحديث، لنقد السّند والمتن، الغايةُ والهدفُ منها معرفة المقبول منَ المردود، فإذا وجدنا أهل العلم قد قبلوا حديثًا وعملوا به فإنّ الغاية الّتي من أجلها وضعت تلک القواعد قد تحقّقت، والثّمرة المرجوّة قد حصلت، وهذا هو المطلوب أيًّا کانتِ الوسيلة في الوصول إليه. فالحديث إذا کان في إسناده شيء منَ الضّعف - ما لم يکن سبب ضعفه کذب راويه أوِ اتّهامه بالکذب، أو فِسْقُه، أو کونه واهي الحديث - لکنِ اتّفق أهل العلم على العمل به - وليس المقصود إجماعًا - ولم يُعْلم لهم مخالفٌ، فيکون عملهم عاضِدًا للحديث ويُدخله في حيّز القبول.
وبعد تـتبع أسانيد حديث «مُعاذ في الاجتهاد» ترجّح لنا عدم صحّة إسنادهوأن العُمدة في الاحتجاج به على تَلقِّي أهلِ العلمِ له بالقبول، وأنّ ذلک أغنَى عن البحث في إسناده، وأنَّه بلغ مبلغ التّواتر العمليّ. والله أعلم.
The hadeeth “Moaz bin Jabal in Ijtihad" between the correction
Weakening is a bond and acceptance is received
Abdullah Muhammad Hassan
Department of Islamic Studies, College of Basic Education
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training in the State of Kuwait
Email: m.mostafa Yahoo.com
The work of the weak hadith, if people receive it with acceptance and work with it, is one of the issues that scholars discussed in general from modern scholars and jurists and fundamentalists, and they have famous sayings in them, judgments have been built on this in the origins and branches, and some may have made it a steady base, and expanded its applications, and from this hadith “Muadh bin Jabal is in ijtihad." Many scholars said that it was not proven in terms of the chain of narrators, but the scholars received it with acceptance and became famous for a reputation that enriched the request for the authenticity of the chain of transmission. And in this study, an editing of the sayings of scholars in this hadith, was their protest against it based on its authenticity in terms of bond and body or based on the scholars 'acceptance of it and acceptance and action according to it. The rules that modern scholars have set, to criticize the bond and the text, the goal and the aim of which is to find out what is acceptable from the outcome, and if we find the scholars have accepted recently and worked with it, then the purpose for which these rules were established has been achieved, and the desired fruit has occurred, and this is required whatever the means in Access to it.The hadith if there is some weakness in its chain of transmission - unless the reason for its weakness is the lie of the narrator or his accusation of lying, his immorality, or the fact that he is the hadith - but the scholars agreed to work on it - and it is not intended unanimously - and no violation is known to them, so their work will be dependent on the hadith and enter it In the process of being accepted.
And after following the lines of the hadeeth “Forbidden in ijtihad", it is likely that our chain of transmission is incorrect and that the mayor in invoking it, that the scholars have received it, and that this is more enriching than research in his chain of transmission, and that he reached the amount of practical frequency. God knows.