ملخص البحث
يتناول هذا البحث موضوع الرواة الذين ضعّفهم الذهبي، ثم وثقهم في کتابه: من تکلم فيه وهو موثق. وهي وقفة إنصاف من الذهبي لأحوال هؤلاء الرواة وما تُکُلِّم فيهم، فتبين له أنهم موثقون، وأن ما ضُعِّفوا لأجله لا يساوي شيئا، فکان هذا البحث اللطيف إحقاقا للحق وإنصافا للرواة. ومنهج البحث هو المنهج الاستقرائي الموصول بالتحليلي. وتتلخص أهمية الموضوع في إرسال رسالة إنصاف في حق رواة الحديث. وتحرير کلام النقاد في تعارض أقوالهم في الراوي الواحد. وبيان موقف الذهبي من هؤلاء الرواة. وکانت إشکالية هذا البحث في تراجم عدد من الرواة تکلّم فيهم الذهبي في بعض کتبه، ثمّ أنصفهم في کتابه: من تکلم فيه وهو موثق. وحدود البحث: الحدّ الموضوعي هو الرواة الذين تکلم فيهم الإمام الذهبي في کتبه، ثم أنصفهم في کتابه: من تکلم فيه وهو موثق. وکانت مادة البحث منثورة في کتب الرجال؛ لکن لم أقف عليها في بحث مستقل. ومن أهم أهدافه الدفاع عن رواة ثقات رموا بتهم لا تقدح فيهم. وتحرير أقوال النقاد المتعارضة في شأن هؤلاء الرواة. ومعرفة أحوال رواة لهم أحاديث في الصحيحين. وجاءت نتائج البحث في عدة نقط أهمها: أن کتاب (من تکلم فيه وهو موثق)، من آخر ما ألفه الذهبي في الجرح والتعديل، وأن هؤلاء الرواة التسعة عشر المذکورون في هذا البحث قد ضعّفهم الذهبي في بداية تأليفه، أو مال إلى تضعيفهم في کتبه، ثم بدا له إنصافهم فألّف کتابه: من تکلم فيه وهو موثق، ولا يوجد فيهم من هو شديد الضعف، بل أقلّ أحوالهم ضعيف يعتبر به، وذلک من أصل أربعمائة وخمسة رواة، أودعهم في کتابه المشار إليه.
The Narrators discredited by Al-Thahaby although being accredited in his Book: (Those who have been criticised though previously classified as Trustworthy)
By: Abdel-Rahman Bin Omar Bin Ahmed Al-Madkhaly
Associate Professor of Sunnah and its Sciences
Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law
Jazan University
e.mail: a0505769016@gmail.com
This research handles the topic of the narrators weakened by Al-Thahaby then he accredited them as trustworthy in his book (Those who have been criticised though previously classified as Trustworthy). It is a fair attitude advocated by Al-Thahaby towards those narrators and their criticism. He has found out that they are trustworthy and the reason beyond discrediting weakening is nothing at all. Accordingly, this fine research focuses light upon those narrators so as to make them regain their due status. The research follows the inductive analytical approach as its message is to introduce a fair testimony of those narrators. The issue of the research lies in the biographies of some narrators whom Al-Thahaby has handled in his books then fairly accredited them in his book (Those who have been
criticised though previously classified as Trustworthy). The objective framework of the research is limited the narrators mentioned in Al-Thahaby's specified book. The material of the research was distributed in books of scholars but the researcher has not traced it in a single resource. Hence, the research takes as its responssibility to defend the credited trustworthy narrators who have been charged with false accusations. It also displays the controversial statements of the critics handling those narrators as well as tracing life condtions of some narrators who have narrated some prophetic traditions in the two truthful books of Hadith (Assahihan). Finally, the findings of the research are noted in the conclusion. One of those findings is that Al-Thahaby's book (Those who have been criticised though previously classified as Trustworthy) was his last book in the field of (Al-jarh wa al-tadeel) dismantling and modifying. In addition, Al-Thahaby intended to discredit the nineteen narrators mentioned in the research at the very beginning of his authorship then he turned his mind and gave them their due status in his well-known book (Those who have been criticised though previously classified as Trustworthy). None of those narrators is utterly discedited. Those narrators are selected from around four-
hundred and fifty ones examined by Al-Thahaby in his mentioned book.