إن من أعظم مخلوقات الله -¸-الجبال وقد ورد لها صفات عدة کما جاء ذلک في القرآن الکريم، حيث ورد أن الجبال قد جعلت أوتادا، وأنها منصوبة، وهي أکنان، وثابتة، ولها عدة ألوان. والحياة الدنيا فانية وزائلة، وهي محل للتزود بالأعمال الصالحة للآخرة، التي هي دار القرار. ولا شک بقيام الساعة وأنه واقع لا محالة فالإيمان بذلک واجب وهو رکن من أرکان الإيمان الستة. والإيمان باليوم الآخر يستلزم الإيمان بما سيکون في ذلک اليوم من أهوال وتغيرات تطرأ على کل شيء بما في ذلک الجبال، وما سيصيبها من دک، ورجف، وتکون هباء منثورا، ونسفها، وتکون کالعهن المنفوش، ثم تصير سرابا. کل ذلک حسب ما ورد في القرآن الکريم مدعمة کل ما ذکرت بالآيات الکريمات مع بيان معانيها من أمهات کتب تفسير القرآن .
Describe the state of the mountains as stated in the Qur'an
BY: Lulwa bint Abdul Karim bin Saad Al-Mofleh
Professor of Interpretation and Quranic Sciences, Department of Islamic Studies
In the Faculty of Arts, University of Princess Noura bint Abdul Rahman
Saudi Arabia
Email: lulwah.mofleh@hotmail.com
One of the greatest creatures of God - the Exalted, the Exalted, the Mountains - has many attributes as mentioned in the Noble Qur'an, where it is reported that the mountains have made pegs, that they are erected, which are hidden, fixed, and have many colors. And the worldly life is mortal and ephemeral, and it is a place for supplying the good works of the Hereafter, which is the house of decision. There is no doubt about the rise of the Hour, and it is inevitably a reality. Belief in that is a duty, and it is one of the six pillars of faith. Faith in the Last Day requires faith in the horrors and changes that will occur on that day, including the mountains, and what will befall them from your tampon and shiver, and they are scattered and blown up, and they are like fluffy heads, then they become a mirage. All this according to what was mentioned in the Noble Qur'an, supporting all that was mentioned in the verses of the Holy Qur'ans, along with explaining their meanings from the mothers of the books of the interpretation of the Qur'an.